Title: Ulysses European Digital Student Competition on Family Business
Time: First round: April 11-25, 2023 – Second round: May 2-16, 2023
Final live online presentation: 23rd of May
Format: Self-paced, Online competition
Group size: 4 students per team (registration possible individually or in pairs)
Methodology: self-paced and task-driven solving of cases in a virtual format
Language: English
Prizes: 1st place: 3,000 EUR; 2nd place: 1,500 EUR; 3rd place: 500 EUR
Registration Deadline: March 21, 2023
We are looking forward to your registration. The competition is open to all students from Europe from all levels and disciplines.
In case of any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us: zentrumfamilienunternehmen@mci.edu.