Step 3: Finalization of case study collection and template
Once the previous steps were in order, partners needed to try whether the case study structure would work. To test the guidelines developed and illustrated in the previous steps, each HEI partner developed a case study. This helped to test the effectiveness of the previously developed guidelines. Partner read the cases developed by the other partners (quality first!) and discussed what best practices to adopt and how to further implement guidelines for writing teaching cases. Sounds like a long process? Long and effective, if you ask us!
Once you have every partner’s opinion, we needed to put all our ideas into one final template for case study collection. There were several issues to consider for a clear template, for example space limitations or unified sections and outlines. The partners then co-drafted a document (A+ for team effort!) and after several revisions and careful considerations from each partner, the template was finalized and you can find it right here!

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