Step 4: Start with dissemination
The finalization of the case studies marks the starting point for dissemination. The dissemination strategy includes the distribution of a Call for Participation by all partner institutions. The call targets students from different institutions and study programs. It includes competition key facts such as an overview, timeline, goals, format and process, application deadlines and a link to apply (QR code), as well as information about prizes (see example). It is recommended that the information is disseminated via student newsletters, social media, printed flyers for study areas, and on info screens. In addition, the contest is designed to be integrated into regular or extracurricular classes, meaning that interested educators can also embaed the contest format into their own classes, allowing students to participate.
Dissemination material
- Ulysses Communication and Dissemination Strategy
- Ulysses Corporate design manual
- Ulysses Contest brochure (for family firms & higher education institutions)
- Ulysses Contest flyer (for students)
- Presentation template
- Ulysses Promotion e-mail
- Ulysses Promotion template
- Ulysses Word template
- Call for participation
- Dissemination tracker example

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