For entrepreneurial skills with family businesses
The Ulysses project aims to react to a trend that is crucial in the business world. It is expected that in the future the educational use of digital competitions connected to family firms, challenges of family firms and entrepreneurship competences will become even more well-known. The goal of this project is to be among the first to provide an insight into these topics. The Ulysses project unites 6 partners from experienced entrepreneurship education institutions and communication networks from 4 countries in the EU. Their experience and expertise provide an ideal foundation to achieve the project’s objectives.

The Consortium in detail
- University of Szeged
- Management Center Innsbruck
- Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
- University of Vienna
- Univations Gmbh
- Agentur fundus
The University of Szeged (SZTE) is one of the most prestigious research universities in Hungary, scoring a high place in all the international rankings. SZTE takes on a unique role within the Ulysses project, being the project leader of the contest. Being responsible for the overall mamagement of the project, SZTE takes on the project management roles in IO development, as well as dissemination. As such, SZTE will also substantially contribute to the creation of all IOs, as their networks, connections and research expertise lie in the topic of family businesses.
As the Entrepreneurial School®, MCI is positioned to provide a meaningful connection between university, grande école, business school, university of applied sciences, and the world of business. It represents a strong international brand that successfully combines: 1. teaching and advanced training; 2. research & development; 3. knowledge transfer; 4. innovative start-ups. The MCI links together the best out of science, economy and consulting to the unique concept of an international Entrepreneurial School®. It stands for internationality, academic quality, practice orientation, innovation, close cooperation with industry, solution-oriented research and development, first-class infrastructure, a high level of customer and service orientation, and international renown.
The Libera Università di Bolzano (UNIBZ) is a young university founded in 1997 as a multilingual, internationally oriented institution. It is a non-state funded public university located at the crossroads between the Italian and the German cultural and economic worlds. Trilingualism – Italian German, English – and internationality are its main characteristics as shown by the composition of its academic staff and its exchange programs with about 150 partner universities all over the world. This international outlook is a key asset of UNIBZ study programs preparing students to operate in a global context and a driver of the research activity aiming at addressing contemporary challenges while also meeting local interests. UNIBZ has a specialized research centre for family business management. The Centre for Family Business Management is one of the largest in Europe and provides academic and practical support to family businesses in the local and international context.
The University of Vienna is a public university located in Vienna, Austria. It was founded by Duke Rudolph IV in 1365 and is the oldest university in the German-speaking world. With its long and rich history, the University of Vienna has developed into one of the largest universities in Europe, and one of the most renowned, especially in the Humanities. It is associated with 21 Nobel prize winners and has been the academic home to many scholars of historical as well as of academic importance. In the Department of Marketing and International Business there is a research team specialized on internationalization of family businesses and case study methodology.
Established in 2006 as an associated institute of Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) and with the University as the largest and determining shareholder, Univations GmbH and its 13 full time employees form a key unit to support all strategic entrepreneurship and knowledge transfer activities within southern Saxony-Anhalt and beyond. Doing so, Univations pursues a holistic approach to innovation and start-up support – from entrepreneurship awareness raising and competence development activities at school- and HEI-level to management consulting in young as well as experienced SMEs. It supports young entrepreneurs and HEI spinoffs in all phases of the start-up life cycle as well as innovate enterprises in their efforts to develop new technologies and services.
Agentur fundus mission is to support and consult businesses and practitioners with engagement and competence. It stands out by its know-how and its vast experience in different fields. Agentur fundus supports its clients in the elaboration of their business strategies (market research, target group analysis, marketing-mix, corporate identity etc.), and develops holistic communication, PR and/or social media strategies, embracing multimedia contents and digital technologies, but also logos and corporate designs.
Employing innovative approaches, fundus offers the ideal basis for the development of creative concepts to make an impact for business and society, fostering a sustainable future.
Agentur fundus aims to provide a supportive and encouraging environment for businesses, practitioners, professionals and academics who are passionate about the efficient implementation of ideas and seek to advance their strategies and campaigns.
Members of the Consortium
University of Szeged
Management Center Innsbruck
Libera Università di Bolzano
Univations GmbH
University of Vienna
Agentur fundus

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