The Ulysses Contest 2024 is now on!

The Contest registration started. Want to be part of the winners? Let's register now!

About Ulysses

Ulysses Contest is a complex case study team competition which is based on the solution of case studies compiled about family firms specifically targeted under the framework of the project. A complex collection of case studies presents the practical problems of local family firms in a way that they could be solved by the entrepreneurship competences set out in the EntreComp Framework.

It is Erasmus+ funded with a duration of 2 years.

More about the contest

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or want to learn more about Ulysses?

Ulysses Competition project partners

The Ulysses project unites 6 partners from experienced entrepreneurship education institutions and communication networks from 4 countries in the EU. Their experience and expertise provide an ideal foundation to achieve the project’s objectives.

Ulysses project in numbers




international partners


days of duration

approx. 500



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Erasmus+ project

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